The United States Air Force Just Sprayed Toxic Pesticides All Over Houston

As if Hurricane Harvey and the flooding that ensued wasn’t destructive enough, the United States Air Force decided to spray a toxic pesticide over 600,000 acres of the Houston, Texas area on Thursday night. The reason? To supposedly combat the potential rise of any disease-carrying mosquitoes in the wake of the storm. According to a…

How To Stop A Pimple From Getting Bigger

Hello everyone, Waking up in the morning and finding a new zit on your face is one of the most common beauty nightmares of all time. And what’s worse is that this pimple is likely to get bigger and more red and all of those things as the day goes along. Of course, this is…

Vanilla Strawberry Tart – Easy 30 Minutes Low-Carb Recipe

For all of us who like fruity mini pies, here is an easy 30 minutes recipe for Vanilla Strawberry Tart. Of course, it is simple to make a regular tart with common flour and sugar, but we have a bit different recipe. It is low-carb and low-calorie, so everyone who’s counting carbs and calories could…

New Study Links Popular Vaccine To Early Miscarriage

According to a recent study, there may be a link between a particular flu vaccine and early miscarriage. While researchers can’t say for sure that the vaccine actually causes miscarriages, they found troubling signs of a possible relationship that they are following up on. The Study The study, paid for by the Centers for Disease…

The Most Powerful Natural Remedy Against Swelling

Swelling is known as an increase in the volume of liquids in the intercellular space. Swelling of the legs can occur for various reasons: heat, problems with blood vessels, kidney disorders, pregnancy, cardiac insufficiency, hormonal disorders… This problem should not be taken lightly, and it is best to consult a doctor immediately to determine what…

How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots And Finally Get Even Skin

If you have hyperigmentation spots due to breakouts and sun exposure, the good news is you’re not stuck with them forever. Follow the tips below and you’ll start to diminish the appearance of dark spots in as quickly as four weeks and prevent new spots from cropping up. Read on for your spot-fading game plan….

Protein Diet For Healthy Weight Loss And More Energy

Protein diet for safe weight loss and more energy The high protein diet is primarily intended for people who exercise or bodybuilders, in order to more effectively build muscle mass and reduce fat deposits. Protein foods are not as practical as foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, and maybe you should look for the reason…

5 Hidden Behaviors Of An Abusive Person

A person who is abusive toward others isn’t always easy to identify, especially when you’re in a relationship with one. Abusers can be caring, kind and charismatic when you first meet them. They are master manipulators who know how to keep certain parts of themselves hidden from others. But many abusers show similar patterns of…

Craving For Some Sweets?! Try Amazing Keto Lemon Fat Bombs!

Fat bombs are a popular way to bring in healthy fats and satisfy your cravings for sweets. There are so many recipes for fat bombs, but this version of lemon is delightful! They are healthy,sugar-free, low-carb, high-fat and taste amazing. Must try these lemon fat bombs. KETO LEMON FAT BOMBS The recipe makes 16 servings….

Popular Cleaning Products Linked To COPD In New Study

If you’ve ever used bleach or other commercial cleaning products, you’re probably very aware of the toxic smell they fill your home with. According to a new study, using bleach and other common household disinfectants increases the risk of developing fatal lung disease. The Study The study was led by Dr. Orianna Dumas from the…

7 Home Remedies To Remove Birthmarks

Today, I am back with another helpful post for you all. Yes, you got it correct! Today, we would be talking about home remedies to remove birthmarks. Birthmarks are generally colored marks which appear on the face or anywhere on the body since our birth. Birthmarks may even grow after birth and also become darker….

7 Hidden Causes Of Varicose Veins You Need To Know

Varicose veins are enlarged veins that often occur in the legs and feet. The lower body is more prone to varicose veins because standing and walking upright increases the pressure in these veins. For most people, varicose veins are a cosmetic concern. For others, they may become painful and uncomfortable. Here are seven surprising causes…