Why Everyone is Suddenly Putting Butter In Their Coffee

We all love a nice cup of coffee. However, the latest trend may surprise you. Instead of cream or sugar, people are starting to prefer adding butter to their coffee and many say it’s the best thing they have ever tried. Others are sceptical, as they believe that butter is not the healthiest product. But,…

How Long To Nap For The Most Brain Benefits

Your body will send you signals if you don’t get enough sleep – you will be either constantly tired or get sick quite often. Even if you eat properly and exercise regularly, insufficient sleep can compromise your health. Daytime Napping – Health benefits 1. Napping Prevents Premature Aging It’s the reason napping is called “beauty…

Healthiest Tropical Fruits to Include in Your Diet

Tropical fruits are some of the most interesting treats from Mother Nature. Their unique looks can definitely make a lot of heads turn towards their direction. Many of them can really excite the taste buds too. Did you know that a lot of tropical fruits can impress with their nutritional content? With their fascinating tastes…

How to Help Your Thyroid With Virgin Coconut Oil

Americans often struggle with symptoms like cold hands and feet, low body temperature, sensitivity to cold, constant feeling of chilliness, headaches, insomnia, dry skin, puffy eyes, hair loss, brittle nails, joint pain, constipation, mental dullness, fatigue, frequent infections, hoarse voice, ringing in the ears, dizziness, loss of libido, and weight gain, which in some cases…

Thin To Thick Hair Magic, Grow Your Hair Fast With 3 Ingredients

Women dream of having a gorgeous, healthy hair, and those who already have it, say it took them lot of time, effort and money. Your hair grows about half an inch every month. However, your hair growth and structure depend on many factors, including overall wellbeing, environmental factors and genetic predisposition. Your hair is as…

The Long List of Eggplant’s Health Benefits

Related to other nightshades such as potatoes, bell peppers and tomatoes, it’s plain to see that eggplants are some of the most unique looking and tasting vegetables on the planet. Prized for their beauty and nutritive content, eggplants are also known as aubergines in France. Most eggplants you see on the market are elongated although…

70 Year-Old Man is Beating Stage IV Colon Cancer with This Tea

John Tanzi was diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer in July 2013, and it was just a few days before his 70th birthday. Doctors said that he would live 2 to six months in case he refuses chemo. John had already seen some of his friends and family undergo chemo, and still die, in misery…

Simple Trick to Remove Brown Spots from Your Skin

There is nothing scary with having a few brown spots, also known as age spots, but things get really messy when these spots affect one’s self-confidence. Age spots are more common on the face area, limbs, shoulders and hands. These are likely to multiply as you grow old, which is where they got their name…

Magnesium, NOT Calcium, Is the Key to Healthy Bones

The assumption that calcium is the holy grail of what constructs solid bones is totally instilled in our society, however it has no premise in reality–calcium is yet ONE of the numerous minerals your body requires for building solid bones. Dietary admission of magnesium, not so much calcium, may be the way to creating sound…

See What Happens When You Drink Honey Water On an Empty Stomach

You probably know that honey provides great benefits, but how much do you actually know about honey-water and its properties? Honey Water Recipe: Stir a teaspoon of honey into a glass of lukewarm water. You should get a 30% honey mixture and its consistency should resemble your blood plasma. Honey creates a congregate compound in…

6 Types of Tea You Should Drink for Your Health

Tea is considered to be the second most popular drink of today aside from water. You’ve probably come across different types of teas while buying groceries or when you’re in a tea house with your friend. Surely, you’ve tried drinking one or two kinds of tea. However, did you know that drinking tea is actually…

E-Cigarettes Has 10x More Cancer Causing Ingredients Than Regular Cigs

The popular e-cig might not be as “safe” as initially thought. Another study demonstrates that they contain unstable natural mixes, ch3)2co, formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, benzopyrene and also silicate and different metal particles. The German Cancer Research Center, Heildelberg calls the e-cigarette, “An uncontrolled experiment with Consumers.” Electronic cigarettes aren’t emission-free. E-cigarettes contain unstable natural substances, including…