You Have A Problem With Obesity!? Check This Food List

Some foods have very few calories, and the organism, due to its nutritional value, is inspired to work and self-cleaning …That’s why these foods are ideal for slimming. Check our low calorie food list for healthy weight loss. LOW CALORIE FOOD LIST FOR WEIGHT LOSS Spinach There are only seven calories in the whole cup….

9 Best Facial Oils For Winter

Greetings everyone, As the winter approaches, it is best to use a facial oil. No matter what your skin type is, winter assures us to include facial oils as an important step in the skin care regimen. Even the oily skin beauties tend to get dry patches in the winter. So, here is a list…

Time To Learn About 12 Common Causes Of Swollen Eyelids

It’s a horrible feeling to get up with a swollen eyelid and honestly speaking its way more than a cosmetic annoyance. When severe, this swelling can cause some terrifying pain. Most cases of swollen eyelids are totally harmless, but this seemingly minor problem can get really serious at times. Though most of us just leave…

7 Self-Care Tips For When You Feel Defeated

There are a ton of self-care tips out there for people who want to feel better and be healthier. Just for you, we found the seven best self-care tips on the internet and brought them straight to you. These are vital self-care techniques that can get anyone feeling better in no time. If you’re feeling…

Benefits Of Black Coffee

There is nothing that refreshes you like the smell of freshly brewed coffee. Just one sip is enough to jolt you. If you are addicted to coffee or merely drink it for company’s sake, it means no harm to understand how beneficial it is for your body. But before going into that, let us first…

Save Your Broccoli Stalks For Broccoli Noodles

Wondering what to do with your broccoli stalks? Try this broccoli stalk noodle recipe, and you’ll never want to throw away broccoli stalks again. Broccoli stalk noodles have the perfect texture. They hold up like al dente pasta, unlike other veggie noodles, like zucchini, which can get soggy and watery when cooked. Here’s the recipe:…

Hand, Foot And Mouth Disease: 12 Natural Treatments

Hand, foot and mouth disease is a highly contagious viral disease that primarily affects young children, most commonly in the summer and early fall. Hand, foot and mouth disease causes include contact with bodily fluids from someone who is infected. A few days after being exposed to the virus, hand, foot and mouth disease symptoms…

How To Make Hands Soft And White

Hello beautiful ladies, I’m back with another post! Today, we would be talking about how to make hands soft and white. Just like your face, hand is an important part of the body which requires frequent attention, care and pampering. The skin on your hand is super delicate and hence it may get rough or…

Hashimoto’s Disease: Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatments

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the body’s healthy tissue, causing symtom such as fatigue, weight gain and digestive issues. About 90% of hypothyroidism cases are due to Hashimoto’s disease. Known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, the condition causes chronic inflammation in the thyroid gland. The autoimmune disorder can be…

Heat Stroke Symptoms & 7 Steps To Treat Or Prevent

Heat stroke occurs when the body natural’s ability to regulate core temperature begins to fail when the body becomes overheated. The normal core temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit is regulated by the body, regardless of hot or cold conditions. But when the body becomes overheated, it begins working so hard to cool down that it…

GM Diet – A 7-Day Weight Loss Plan

We all know how shedding pounds seems a Herculean task. It is also tough for the dietician to make tailor-made weight loss plans for us knowing our love for fried and buttery food. Yucks!! when our hashtag changes from #beauty to #bulging beauty. Puts us in a bad light on our social network. The only…

Get Your Veggie Fix With This Broccoli Rice

Next time you’re in the mood for rice, consider ditching the grains altogether for this nutrient-dense and fiber-rich broccoli rice. You can make broccoli rice from either the florets, the stem, or both. Since there are so many delicious ways to use the florets, I usually reserve the stem for this recipe. Here’s the broccoli…