Ketogenic Diet is one of the most popular weight loss diets. We have a lot of keto-friendly recipes, here on a blog. But, before you decide to go on this Ketogenic “journey”, learn all about the pros and cons of going keto. Tanya Zuckerbrot, MS, RD, NYC-based registered dietitian, bestselling author, and founder of TheF-Factor…
Category: DIET & FITNESS
You Have A Problem With Obesity!? Check This Food List
Some foods have very few calories, and the organism, due to its nutritional value, is inspired to work and self-cleaning …That’s why these foods are ideal for slimming. Check our low calorie food list for healthy weight loss. LOW CALORIE FOOD LIST FOR WEIGHT LOSS Spinach There are only seven calories in the whole cup….
GM Diet – A 7-Day Weight Loss Plan
We all know how shedding pounds seems a Herculean task. It is also tough for the dietician to make tailor-made weight loss plans for us knowing our love for fried and buttery food. Yucks!! when our hashtag changes from #beauty to #bulging beauty. Puts us in a bad light on our social network. The only…
Juice Diet For Weight Loss
Hello friends, I’m back with another post! Today, we would be talking about the juice diet for weight loss. There are a million different weight loss methods in the market. Out of those, we would like to speak about one of the most effective- the juice diet. Before we start with the article, I would…
Are You Following The Right PCOS Diet?
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is commonly characterized by irregular periods or no periods at all. Women suffering from PCOS commonly have symptoms like multiple cysts in ovaries caused by hormones overproduction known as androgens. Women suffering from PCOS are at a great risk of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, and endometrial cancer. Most women…
Celiac Disease Diet: Foods To Eat & Avoid
Most celiac disease treatment starts with changing what you’re eating. Celiac disease causes more than 200 symptoms, but with a proper celiac disease diet, many symptoms are avoidable. Celiac disease symptoms may occur in the digestive system or other parts of the body. And celiac disease causes, or can cause, severe abdominal pain, fatigue, and…
Pre-Wedding Diet Chart To Bring Every Bride-To-Be In Shape
Hello friends, I’m back with another post today! Wedding season is already here and hence, today’s post is dedicated to all the brides! Maintaining your weight and taking care of your skin before marriage is two important tasks you should pay attention. When the wedding date is just arriving, we are sure, you will be…
Diabetic Diet & Supplements
Diet is a vital part of managing diabetes. The foods you eat can either trigger inflammation and spikes in high blood pressure, or help stabilize blood pressure levels. Certain foods and supplements can help you manage diabetes naturally. So what foods are good for diabetics? Keep reading to learn about diabetic diet foods and supplements….
8 Herbal Remedies For PCOS Weight Loss
PCOS is normally a very serious health condition for women. As a woman’s body goes through multiple changes during this time. Different hormones are secreted and your body is affected in multiple ways because of this. You can try some herbal remedies which are easily available and are equally effective as compared to your over…
Fruit Diet Plan For Weight Loss
Weight loss is the buzzword these days. You can see how everyone around you is busy reducing weight but many of us try unhealthy ways of reducing weight. So, how about going for it in a completely healthy way? You can try the fruit weight loss plan as it will help you reduce weight in…
The Candida Diet: Foods To Eat & Avoid
Candida is a fungus that can live in the body and overproduce, if the body’s ecosystem is out of balance. Candida thrives on dead tissue and sugars from food. If you are in need of a candida diet cleanse, you may experience the following signs: Exhaustion Cravings for sweets Bad breath White coat on tongue…
6 Protein Shakes For Weight Loss
People usually consume protein shakes for muscle building. But that is wrong. Protein shakes can play a major role in weight loss too. Let’s have a look at some of the best protein shakes which will help you in weight loss: 1. Frozen Berries Protein Shake: This protein shake is made of frozen berries with…