Mastitis Treatment: Symptoms & 10 Home Remedies

Mastitis is an infection that occurs in women who are breastfeeding. Mastitis causes include a buildup of milk within the breast, known as milk stasis. In some cases, the buildup of milk may become infected with bacteria. Mastitis treatment focuses on healing painful mastitis symptoms and ridding the body of the infection. Mastitis Causes A…

This Delicious Veggie Curry Is Ready In 20 Minutes

If you don’t feel like spending forever in the kitchen but still want a nutritious and satisfying dinner, this veggie curry is ready in just 20 minutes. You can stick to the recipe, or switch it up and replace the broccoli, carrots, and snowpeas with whatever vegetables you have on hand. Even frozen veggies can…

3 Amazing Health Benefits Of Psyllium Husk

Lately, the Psyllium husks have become very popular food supplements. This supplement is used for weight control and intestinal health. It’s health benefits are amazing. Therefore, basically, it’s a god for anyone who doesn’t get enough fiber from their diet! It is a husk of the seed from the Plantago plant – it contains a…

7 Super Easy Diabetic Breakfast You Can Make In Minutes

There was a time when diabetes was known as the rich man’s disease, something only senior citizens of a particular economic class would suffer from. But with the invasion of technology our lifestyles turned sedentary and soon diabetes became an epidemic. It’s heartbreaking to see young children suffer from diabetes that prevents them to enjoy…

Warm Up With A Bowl Of This Butternut Squash & Curry Soup

Roasted butternut squash combined with a coconut curry base makes for a wonderfully warming and flavorful soup. The toppings not only add color and crunch, they also force you to chew your soup which is important for proper digestion. Chewing signals the rest of your digestive system to prepare for incoming food, so it’s a…

You Have A Problem With Obesity!? Check This Food List

Some foods have very few calories, and the organism, due to its nutritional value, is inspired to work and self-cleaning …That’s why these foods are ideal for slimming. Check our low calorie food list for healthy weight loss. LOW CALORIE FOOD LIST FOR WEIGHT LOSS Spinach There are only seven calories in the whole cup….

Save Your Broccoli Stalks For Broccoli Noodles

Wondering what to do with your broccoli stalks? Try this broccoli stalk noodle recipe, and you’ll never want to throw away broccoli stalks again. Broccoli stalk noodles have the perfect texture. They hold up like al dente pasta, unlike other veggie noodles, like zucchini, which can get soggy and watery when cooked. Here’s the recipe:…

GM Diet – A 7-Day Weight Loss Plan

We all know how shedding pounds seems a Herculean task. It is also tough for the dietician to make tailor-made weight loss plans for us knowing our love for fried and buttery food. Yucks!! when our hashtag changes from #beauty to #bulging beauty. Puts us in a bad light on our social network. The only…

Get Your Veggie Fix With This Broccoli Rice

Next time you’re in the mood for rice, consider ditching the grains altogether for this nutrient-dense and fiber-rich broccoli rice. You can make broccoli rice from either the florets, the stem, or both. Since there are so many delicious ways to use the florets, I usually reserve the stem for this recipe. Here’s the broccoli…

Gluten Intolerance Symptoms & Steps To Treat The Problem

Gluten intolerance, or NSGS, is characterized by adverse reactions to food containing gluten. Gluten intolerance, however, differs from celiac disease.  Celiac disease is an autoimmune response wherein gluten prompts your immune system to attack your small intestine. Gluten intolerance symptoms, on the other hand, stems from a different immune reaction. A blood test can tell…

Boost Your Energy, Strength And Immunity With Yarrow Tea!

Many people cannot imagine the day without this plant. Yarrow (Latin name Achillea Millefolium) is a perennial plant which belongs to medicinal herbs. It is useful in emergency situations when is necessary to stop bleeding and heal a wound. This plant can help substantially in reducing serious cuts and head injuries. It grows almost everywhere…