Watermelon Diet

The watermelon diet is a very effective way of losing weight and naturally detoxifying the body, without going hungry. This diet is known as one of the healthiest diets, not only because it brings great results, but because the dietary plan includes other foods that provide the energy that the body needs day to day,…

10 Eating Rules To Rev Your Metabolism All Day Long

You probably don’t need scientists to tell you that your metabolism slows with age. But they’re studying it anyway—and coming up with exciting research to help rev it up again. The average woman gains 1½ pounds a year during her adult life—enough to pack on 40-plus pounds by her 50s, if she doesn’t combat the…

Egg Diet for Weight Loss

The struggle to lose weight is probably one of the most difficult tasks, and people constantly seek a way to find the best advice or quick weight loss tips. Well, we have the one that you need. This egg diet for weight loss is easy to follow and you can lose up to 12 pounds…

Now It’s OFFICIAL: FDA admits that vaccines can cause autism!

“Autism” as one of the numerous reported severe side effects was listed in a vaccine document published by The Food and Drug Administration. Today you can not find the whooping cough vaccine on the market and its serum’s insert actually provides a hint to why it may have been pulled. Tripedia is an immunization used…

Eat Eggs for Every Meal with These 2 Recipe

If you’re a true egg-lover, you know that they’re not just for breakfast. Eggs are amazingly versatile, super cheap, and great if you’re cooking for just one person. These nutritious recipes let you enjoy eggs for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Eggselent. 1. Breakfast Huevos rancheros make for a spicy start to the day. This delicious…

Foods to Help Fight Arthritis

One of the most excruciating pains that torture most of the people in the aging community is arthritis. This condition can wreak havoc even on one’s best day. It attacks without warning and stays forever. It handicaps even the most prepared ones. Here are some foods to easy those painful joints. Green Tea Antioxidant chemicals…

Foods for Better Eyesight

Oranges might be the first things that came across your mind. Vitamin A, specifically beta-carotene, is responsible for healthy eyes and clear vision. The retina and all the other parts of the eye functions better with beta-carotene. Let’s get that superb vision with these foods: Carrots You’ve probably heard that carrots and other orange-colored fruits…

Health Benefits of Drinking Wheatgrass Juice

The word “grass” in “wheatgrass” may make it seem like this plant is good for nothing but walking on. The fact is the nutritional value of wheatgrass rivals the health-giving content of over 2 pounds of leafy vegetables. Consuming it in juice form is highly recommended as it can be very difficult for the stomach…

Studies Show Fake Honey is Everywhere, Here’s How to Know the Difference

We all like honey. It is super-sweet, delicious, and makes our tea taste better. Next time you spend some time in the honey aisle wondering whether you should buy a pricey premium artisanal honey or store-brand nectar in a plastic bear, think twice before making your decision. Food Safety News did a searing investigation and…

Relieve Your Headache and Stress With Acupressure in 30 Seconds

Locate the webbing between your thumb and your index finger. In Chinese medicine this area is known as the Hoku spot. Apply firm pressure there for 30 seconds and see how the tension slowly reduces. This method does miracles for headaches and stress. Squeeze and hold the webbing until your muscles relax and the pain…