Benefits Of Niacin For Skin, Hair And Health

Thanks to scientific studies and intense research, new findings of the positive and negative aspects of nutrients are being brought to light everyday. One such nutrient that has been the subject of intense study is niacin. Also known as Vitamin B3 or niacinamide, it is a water soluble vitamin which has been proved to have…

Toxic Metal Additive Found In Make Up & Food Linked To Brain Damage

Unfortunately, we live in a world where the food we eat and the cosmetics we use have the potential to harm our bodies. The International Agency Research on Cancer classifies titanium dioxide as a Group 2B carcinogen. Millions of tons of titanium dioxide are produced around the world each year, and it’s being added to…

How To Treat Dry Skin On Legs

“Ooh…What sexy legs I have”. Yeah, that is what most of the young babes like you might be feeling or saying to your bosom pals each time you look yourself in the mirror. It means you can happily put on the mini skirt your boyfriend gifted you on your birthday. Why are you suddenly sounding…

15 Perfect Ayurveda Treatment For Hair Loss

According to the world of ayurveda, hair fall is indicative of the body type and the mind-body equation. In ayurveda, hair is known to be a byproduct of the bone formation. It is the bone tissues that are responsible for the bone formation, and hence the hair growth on the same lines. It is because…

Delicious Keto Recipe For Crackers

These delicious Keto Crackers combine a buttery crisp texture with the Italian taste that everyone loves. The flavor is an interesting combination of garlic, basil, and black pepper with just a hint of cayenne to wake up the taste buds. DELICIOUS KETO CRACKERS RECIPE Ingredients Servings 6 1 1/4 cups almond flour 1/4 Tsp. ground…

Quick Diet – In Just 3 Days You Can Lose Up To 6 Pounds!

Quick diet for 3 days is one of the most popular diets today because it is short and gives instant results. Do not be surprised that throughout the text this famous “three days” is dragging out- the reason is that this diet is not on the list of recommended and therefore if you want to…

8 Popular Garden Plants That Are Incredibly Poisonous

Gardening, for many, is a favorite pastime. It’s a glorious combination of sun, dirt, hard work, and incredible payoff. Who doesn’t love a fresh-from-the-oven homemade strawberry rhubarb pie? And the stunning blue, pink, purple and white of the hydrangea blossom is a summer trademark. But there are several common plants, that although aesthetically pleasing, are…

Scientists Urge Government To Contaminate Public Water With Common Psych Med

The chemical encroachment into our public water supply is ramping up as scientists are now suggesting infusing it with another bioactive substance. After Japanese researchers found that suicide rates were lower in areas with higher amounts of naturally-occurring lithium in the water, the conclusion seemed obvious: more lithium equals fewer suicides. Given the country’s serious suicide…

How To Increase Your Breast Size Fast And Naturally

Breasts are an integral part of a woman’s outlook. Having small breasts might be a hindrance to attaining the perfect figure or measurements. However, that should not be a cause of worry anymore. You might think that putting on weight can automatically increase breast size. But why would you want those few extra pounds when…