Reasons Why You Should Not Quit Drinking Coffee Anytime Soon

It’s no secret that coffee is rejuvenating and flavorsome. Whether piping-hot or iced, it is said that about 83% of adults in the US love and consume this highly popular beverage. The fact that many people consider coffee as something that can put the health in shambles may not be new to you. When you…

Simple Trick To Remove Pesticides From Your Fruits and Vegetables

Lately we hear more and more about cases where fruits and vegetables exported from different countries are full of pesticides. Therefore the fear of how fruits and vegetables we buy are good for our health is totally justified. We recommend you try this trick in order to relax and be sure that everything you consume…

Amazing Benefits of Cantaloupe Melon

We seldom think about fruits as providing a broad spectrum of nutrients. In addition, when this food group gets placed in the nutritional spotlight, it’s usually berries that get first mention among the nutritional standouts. Yet judging from its nutrient profile, cantaloupe is a fruit that should get us thinking differently about fruit and nourishment….

How To Make A Giant Cancer Busting Salad

After being diagnosed with cancer (stage 3), a young man decided not to go for the conventional chemotherapy, and started believing that nature has something better for him. His determination went so far that he started changing his dietary habits. We give you his favorite anti-cancer salad recipe. Back in 2003, Chris Wark was diagnosed…

This Amazing Drink Will Help You Tighten The Skin On Your Face

Caffeine acid and vitamin C contained in cucumbers give its calming effect, and silicon acid improves skin tones and makes your skin look healthy. Cucumbers are rich in water, and it hydrates your skin and gives it a nice and healthy glow. B vitamins contained in celery stimulate the exchange of carbohydrates in the body….

Health Benefits of Grapes

Research continues on the vast health benefits of resveratrol, found in purple or red grapes. Here are some of the amazing healing benefits of resveratrol: Power Up Your Weight Loss Exciting research led by MaryAnne DellaFera, PhD at the University of Georgia found that resveratrol (particularly when combined with soy isoflavones) works on the body…

Surprising Benefits of Rambutan

Rambutan is a topical fruit whose scientific term is Nephelium Laapaceum. Rambutan is believed to have originated in Indonesia and is now widely found in Philippines, Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, Sri Lanka, India, Ecuador, Australia and America. In India, Rambutan fruit is available mostly in the southern states of Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Karnataka. The name…

Get A Flat Stomach – This Delicious Drink Can Help Blast Your Belly Fat

The calories you eat often deposit as a fat around your waist. This so-called “rubber-belt” can deform your body and makes it look attractive. Today’s delicious cocktail will help you get your ideal waist size back. All the ingredients balance perfectly and most of the products stimulate and boost the metabolism. Ingredients: 1 tbsp apple…

The Powers Of Baking Soda – It Does Miracles To Your Skin, Hair And Body

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, has many beneficial properties such as anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, antiseptic, and antibacterial. It is naturally in a fine powder form. Baking soda has been found to have favorable effects against oral and skin issues and even colds. Nevertheless, always bear in mind not to use it excessively to avoid irritating your…

Surprising Benefits of Tomatoes

Tomatoes have long established their niche among the list of healthy food to keep in your fridge. This list gives you an idea why nutritionists approve of tomatoes. 1. Vision Tomatoes are home to Vitamin A, a known agent of good vision. It helps prevent night blindness. An irreversible condition’s (macular degeneration) risk is reduced…