5 Problems That Bananas Solve Better Than Pills

Bananas are packed with healthy sugars and large amounts of fiber, meaning they provide an instant energy boost. What you probably do not know is that bananas can help you treat many health problems better than drugs. Also, you should not worry about the high calorie intake — bananas are still in the group of…

This Baking Soda Treatment Saves Lives – Helped Hundreds Of People To Cure Cancer

Conventional methods of cancer treatment approximately cost $ 100,000. Alternative methods cost much less, and they’re more successful. That’s why more and more people use alternative ways of treating cancer. Below, we describe several therapies to treat cancer with baking soda, which have helped hundreds of people. However, it is important to understand that cancer…

How To Use Apple Cider Vinegar As a Medicine

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent natural remedy for treating many diseases and health conditions. Scientists praise its miraculous power and recommend it to be part of everyone’s daily diet. A solution of 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in warm, previously boiled water and two teaspoons of honey is the optimal dose of apple…

Hoax or Real: Mans Entire Body Flooded With Worms After Eating Sushi

You probably saw the x-ray images that circulated on Chinese websites showing a man’s body all riddled with tapeworms. The images were accompanied witht he claim that he got infected after eating sashimi, or raw fish. Western media picked up the story and it was shown throughout the whole world. For many people it resembled…

How Much Water Do We Need To Drink, According To Our Weight?

By now you should be quite aware of the fact that water is the main compound that will help you get a perfect body and great health condition. The worst mistake some people make when it comes to drinking water is their very own theory that water can be replaced with any other drink. Some…

12 Foods & Plants That Cleanse Your Lungs And Heal Respiratory Infections

Cleansing your lungs lets you detox them of infection, lower the risk of cancer, expand lung capacity and improve the health of the respiratory tract. This is primarily suggested to smokers and people living in places with polluted air. Here are the best foods and plants that can cleanse your lungs and heal respiratory infections….

7 Reasons Why You Should Drink Ginger Tea & How to Make Ginger Tea

Health benefits of ginger tea: – It strengthens the immune system – Fastens recovery when sick – Smoothes stomach irritations – Has a favorable impact on the nervous system – Stimulates the work of the intestines, soothes flatulence – Stimulates circulation – It will warm you better than any blanket Ingredients: 1 piece of fresh…