Cleaning Washing Machine To Sanitize It And Remove Smells And 5 Other Bathroom Cleaning Tips

The bathroom is the most difficult place to be cleaned in any home. It needs to be sanitized and cleaned at least once a week. Sure there are short cuts for this meter to.

If you want to finish this task quickly and correctly follow these useful tips.

Washing machine

Fill the washing machine with some hot water, add 1/4 of apple cider vinegar, and start a short cycle. After it rotate for a few minutes turn it off and leave it for an hour. Finally start the longest cycle and the results will be amazing.


For cleaning the bathtub, you need sea salt and a grapefruit. Cut the grapefruit in half and dip it in the sea salt and rub the bathtub. After you finish rinse it with water.
This way you can clean the kitchen cutting board as well.



Mix some apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and lemon juice and clean the toilet and the area around it. This will also eliminate bad odor.


With only some apple cider vinegar, a rubber band, and an empty plastic bag you will clean and disinfect the shower and the shower head.

First pour the vinegar into the plastic bag, secure it with the rubber band to the shower head, in order it to be submerged in the vinegar completely. Let it stray for an hour and then rinse it with water.


Make a mixture of potassium bitartrate and lemon juice and apply it on the sink. Best way is to use a toothbrush to clean it, then rinse it with water. This way you will remove the rust too.

Floor and tiles

Make a mixture with your dish washing detergent, 1/2 cup baking soda, and 1/4 cup hydrogen peroxide, this will be a perfect blend for cleaning the tiles and floor.