Hydration Pyramid Helps You To Keep Body Well Hydrated

Hydration is necessary for overall good health. The water is best for staying hydrated. Other drinks can help hydration, also. Bellow you can check on the hydration pyramid that contains groups of that other drinks.

Your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly. For example, your body uses water to maintain its temperature, remove waste, and lubricate your joints. Body hydration is especially important during the exercise.

Other drinks help hydration but may add extra calories from sugar to your diet. Water can also be found in fruits and vegetables (for example, watermelon, tomatoes, and lettuce), and in soup broths. All you have to do is choose the best sources of hydration and keep your body healthy.


Hydration Pyramid is a good resource that graphically displays not only the quantity but also the quality and type of fluid to achieve proper hydration.


In Group 1, at the foot of the pyramid, there is also mineral water, spring water or tap water with a small amount of salt. These fluids you should consume every day.

Group 2 represents mineral water from a faucet or from a bottle with a higher salt content, non-calorie sugar-free beverages, soft drinks, tea and sugar-free coffee.

In Group 3, drinks are useful nutrients such as fruit juices and fresh vegetables, milk or skimmed milk, sugar-free milk, alcohol-free beer, sports drinks and tea or coffee with sugar.

At the end of the Pyramid, in Group 4, there are drinks with soda and those containing sugar or fructose.

At the top of the Pyramid, that is, in Group 5, drinks are those that should be limited in their consumption. Such as alcoholic drinks (wine, beer or various brandy) and varied types of energy drinks. These are not useful for proper hydration so you should be moderate in consumption.

In the case of beer, which is scientifically proven in various studies, the intake after training or running contributes to a better relaxation, stimulates muscle recovery and alleviates muscle rigidity.

In addition to this classification, we suggest you drink about 2 liters (1/2 gallon) of water a day. Also, in order to increase your water spending per physical activity, eat more fruit and vegetables.