What Is Alkaline Water And How To Make It

The importance of PH within the body: Our bodies are primarily water based, the PH of which effects our health, chemistry, and ultimately disease. The following is a breakdown of how and why the choice to drink alkalized water is important in modern times.

Due to our typical diet structures (explained in the article 5 Foods to Boost Your Mood) which consist of processed foods including salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol, the majority of our bodies are likely too acidic.

Signs of an overly acidic environment can be fatigue, headache, stomach ache, and a weakened immune system.

If the environment in our bodies becomes either too acidic or too alkaline our otherwise healthy cells can become toxic, waste away and die. This imbalance in PH corrodes body tissue.

If this overly acidic atmosphere continues, the body ultimately deposits excess acidic substances into some area of the body in efforts to alkalize itself.

As noticed, acidity increases in some areas and some of the cells die, but others may still live and/or adapt and turn into malignant. The dead cells around them contribute to the cycle by becoming acidic themselves. Malignant cells grow indefinitely and without order, over time they can spread to other areas of the body, otherwise known as metastatic disease.