6000 Year Old Remedy Lowers Triglycerides And Prevents Many Diseases

Have you ever heard of pasteli? The combination of a sweet taste and healing powers is rare, but this recipe is the perfect example of such a combination.

Pasteli was first discovered 6,000 years ago, and it was used in ancient Greece and the Middle East. You can call it a cookie or you can call it a cure, but this recipe is mentioned in Homer’s Iliad, where it is called Intrion. This is one of the most delicious remedies you’ll ever try, and at the same time, it’s loaded with powerful nutrients.

Let’s start from the beginning. Pasteli was mentioned in the Iliad as a food that was given to soldiers before their battles, to boost their energy and give them strength. Pasteli is also mentioned in ancient Egyptian records as a remedy that was mostly made and consumed by women, because it stimulated their hormones and increased their libido.

What is pasteli? It is a remedy made from two super-healthy ingredients — sesame and honey. Some people prefer to call it “honey-sesame pie.” We recommend you use the original recipe, and in this article you can learn how to make this healthy and delicious remedy:

10.5 oz /300g tahini (ground sesame paste)
10.5 oz /300g organic raw honey


Before you mix the ingredients in a bowl, collect the liquid from the top of the tahini. This oil-like liquid from the tahini will help you form the pasteli. Sprinkle some sesame seeds over the balls and keep them in the refrigerator. You can also add some walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios and whatever other nuts you like. Some people roast the pasteli, but we do not recommend this, because the heat can destroy the nutrients.

Pasteli can be consumed as a cure or snack, but you should not eat more than 2-3 a day, because each ball is loaded with calories, so you do not want to eat too many.

The combination of these two ingredients gives you the holy grail among nutrients.

Pasteli is rich in:

B vitamins

To be more accurate — all the nutrients your body needs!

According to experts, pasteli positively affects the regulation of fat in the blood, especially the regulation of the ratio between LDH and HDL cholesterol levels.

Pasteli beneficially affects the heart rate, which means it is good for arrhythmia, hypertension, and tachycardia, and it also regulates the circulation of the blood.

This ancient remedy will give you enough energy for physical and mental effort, and long-term consumption of pasteli will help you reduce anxiety, chronic fatigue, and depression. It will significantly increase libido in both men and women. This combination has a soothing effect in cases of chronic stress within three weeks of regular consumption.

We strongly recommend you try this recipe, because we believe that you will not have tried a healthier and more delicious remedy so far!