Homemade Probiotic Deodorant – That Really Works!

Probiotics are quite a hit in natural healthy community. People who care about their health are well aware of the benefits provided by probiotic foods and supplements. Scientists have conducted a great number of studies based on the benefits of ingesting probiotics.

If you know nothing about fermented foods, kefir and kombucha, it is time to read more about it. These are super healthy powerhouses and they are great for health conscious individuals who try to maintain the optimal function of their digestive system.

The well-known benefits of probiotics expand into mainstream culture, and the latest studies have shown a remarkable promise regarding the use of “good bacteria” as a remedy.

Researchers believe that probiotics can balance the bacteria on your skin, which is quite similar to the way they balance the bacteria in the digestive tract. This is great for those who deal with eczema, psoriasis, skin rashes and allergies, acne, and discolorations.

What is even better, probiotics are considered to be a potent antidote against aging, or wrinkles.

The skin is the largest organ in human body. It requires extreme care, as it is the first line of defense against pathogens. People often forget that the skin contains a great number of good bacteria, known as micro flora. Micro flora has an essential role in preventing the development of bacteria.

Now, let’s switch to skin care products that you use or should not use. Yes, it is deodorants that bother us most.

Conventional deodorants contain chemicals that are supposed to kill bad bacteria responsible for that unwanted natural odor. By chance you did not know it, these chemicals also kill good bacteria, and thus leave your body defenseless.

You should be concerned about using antiperspirants and commercial deodorants for many reasons. Here are some of them:

The active ingredients in conventional deodorants contain hidden chemicals like aluminum, parabens, propylene glycol, phthalates, and triclosan. The latest research has shown a strong connection between aluminum-loaded antiperspirants and breast cancer, birth defects, allergies and hormonal imbalance. Dangerous chemicals should not be found in homes and certainly not under your arms.

All-natural, “green” deodorants seem to be too pricey.

Let your body do its business! If you try to inhibit certain natural function of your body, it will sure give a negative response.

Regarding these concerns and the latest findings, we suggest that you try a completely natural solution.

Homemade probiotic deodorant


1 tbsp cocoa butter
1 tbsp coconut oil (here is the best coconut oil out there)
1 tbsp shea butter
1 tbsp beeswax
2 1/2 tbsp arrowroot powder
1 tbsp baking soda
1/4 tsp non-GMO vitamin E oil
15 drops essential oil(of your choice)
2 capsules powdered probiotics

For optimal results, use dōTERRA™ essential oils or organic oils from Mountain Rose Herbs. These brands provide ultimate health and safety for you, your family and friends.


1. Melt cocoa butter, shea butter, coconut oil and beeswax in a saucepan on a low heat.

2. Take the saucepan off the heat and add in arrowroot powder and baking soda. Whisk using chopsticks until the powders dissolve and combine well. At this point add vitamin E and essential oils. Let it cool. Once everything cools and gets a pudding-like consistency, open your probiotic capsules and stir the powder into the mixture using a spatula.

3. Put the mixture in a clean deodorant container. Keep it in the fridge to cool and harden. Later you can store it on the counter. This dose is enough for 3-4 months, and remember… a little always goes a long way.

Note: Shelf stable probiotics like Bio-Kult prevent the need of placing the product in a fridge.

Shelf stable probiotic supplements are essential for such kinds of deodorants. Make sure it contains highly resistant beneficial bacteria, like lactobacillus and bifidobacteria. These survive the pH of your stomach during digestion and you should most certainly include them in the preparation of this recipe,

If your skin is sensitive, use arrowroot powder only. You can also omit the essential oils, depending on your skin.

Use pleasant smelling, antibacterial essential oils. Any combination works fine. Choose your favorite and have fun combining scents! Here are some suggestions:

Geranium and lime
Lemongrass, wild orange, and bergamot
Sandalwood and ylang ylang
Rosemary and peppermint

Mountain Rose Herbs offers high-quality essential oils, butter oils and miscellaneous bulk items like arrowroot powder. You can find these in every well-appointed healthy food store. Buy beeswax here.